Friday, August 22, 2008

Hey Hey Hey!

Well, first of all... you all need to C-O-N-G-R-A-T-U-L-A-T-E me!!!

I've finally passed the stupid Undang test for my driving.
Been having trouble not because of the Undang test actually but because of the colour test.
As I'm colour blind, I had to use the harder method which was to memorize the dot positioning and it's respective numbers.
It's real tough I tell you.
Like memorising an entire stack of books without really understanding what's writting inside.
Well, I passed with flying colours!
Full marks for the colour test and I got a 46/50 for my Undang (passing mark 42).
Only took me 10 mins to do the whole thing and all the other kids were like saying in hokkien, "waa, aneh kin eh ah?"
Haha, made me proud LOL!

And recently, there's been something troubling me and stuff but I don't wish to reveal it in my blog.
Been finding it difficult to share this with someone, but I really think I would feel better if I shared it somehow..

Well that's all for now!
Nites guys!

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