Saturday, July 26, 2008


Well, to tell ya'll the truth, I've had been having extremely weird dreams since I came back.
Most of the time, I'll wake up with a vague memory of the dreams, so I won't be able to tell all of you what the dreams were.

All I know is that those dreams contained Death and Insanity.

I only remember waking up either after becoming half insane or losing those precious people around me.
Kinda weird isn't it? It's like I've been watching too much teevee only that I haven't.

Also, falling sick from too much gaming!
That's it, I've gotta cut those games.
9 AM - 4 AM probably is too much for my body to handle.
Now I'd probably do a 12 PM to 11 AM schedule.
Hmm, still alot isn't it? Much shorter than before though.
And that means I could sleep for 13 hours!

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